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​​​​​​​Sharpening the Saw: A Lesson in Balance and Renewal

As September draws to a close, I've had many conversations with parents who are feeling a mix of relief and exhaustion. A common sentiment I've heard is, "We made it!" September, with its back-to-school chaos, always feels like a whirlwind. But as October begins, it seems like the pace is picking up even more, and for many, the demands of daily life continue to grow. These conversations remind me of a story that I think perfectly captures the balancing act we all face during these busy times.

The story goes like this:

A man was sawing a dead tree and making very little progress. A passerby noticed the saw blade was dull and asked, “Why don’t you stop to sharpen your saw?” The man replied that he was too busy sawing. He didn’t have time to stop and sharpen the saw.”

Does this story resonate with you? I know it certainly does for me. How many times do we, as parents and educators, find ourselves so caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we neglect to take a moment to “sharpen the saw” — to pause and care for ourselves? It’s easy to get caught up in the demands of family, work, and school, but if we don’t make time for renewal, we risk running on empty and not being able to give our best to others.

In the story, the man’s reluctance to stop and sharpen the saw is a powerful reminder that if we don’t take time to care for ourselves, our efforts will become less effective over time. This idea of "sharpening the saw" is central to Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, where it represents the habit of self-renewal. This habit involves regularly investing in the four key areas of our well-being: our body, heart, mind, and spirit.

As parents, it’s easy to neglect our own needs in favor of taking care of everyone else. But, just like a dull saw, when we neglect our personal well-being, we can’t function at our best. To thrive as individuals, we need to nurture these four essential areas:

Body: Our physical health is the foundation of everything else. This includes eating nourishing foods, getting enough rest, staying active, and taking care of our safety and shelter.

Heart: This area relates to our emotional well-being — the need for love, acceptance, self-worth, confidence, and feeling understood. It’s about building and nurturing strong relationships with ourselves and others.

Mind: Our minds need stimulation and growth. This includes seeking knowledge, embracing new challenges, discovering new interests, and engaging our creativity.

Spirit: This area encompasses the deeper meaning in life — our sense of purpose, service to others, and contribution to the world around us. It’s about connecting to something greater than ourselves and leaving a legacy.

As we continue through the school year, I encourage each of you to take a moment to reflect on these four areas. Ask yourself: What is one thing I can start, stop, or continue doing in each area to nurture my own well-being? Consider how you can make time for yourself, even in small ways, so that you can continue to be your best self for your family and community.

The journey toward balance and renewal may have its challenges, but by making it a priority, we set a positive example for our children. Let’s commit to sharpening the saw together — not just for ourselves, but to lead our families with strength, joy, and purpose.

After all, when we prioritize self-renewal, we’re not only better equipped to face life’s challenges, we’re also showing our children how to live a balanced, fulfilling life.

Let’s take time to sharpen our saws — today, tomorrow, and every day.

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