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December Order Form


All order forms must be submitted by 4 pm, Friday, November 29th, 2024 

Please select the lunches you would like to order on the form below the menu. To see the ingredient list, please click here.

December Lunch Menu


Student/Faculty Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Faculty Only
Homeroom Teacher
12/13/24 // Friday -  Festival of Peace and Light - Dress Uniform Required. CHA Closes at 11:00. No PM School, No PM Childcare.

12/23/24 // Monday* -  Winter Break: No School, Childcare Provided. The kitchen is closed for maintenance. Sack lunch is required for campers.

12/24/24 // Tuesday* -  Winter Break: No School, Childcare Provided. The kitchen is closed for maintenance. Sack lunch is required for campers.

12/25/24 // Wednesday -  Christmas Day: No School, No Childcare. 

If you are a CHA parent, select the 'No Payment Required' option below. Monthly payment will be drafted by ACH on the first of the month following. Non CHA families and faculty should select 'Credit Card' to pay lunch fees.

Payment Information

Please complete captcha below to proceed to payment selection.

Please select a payment typerequired
<div>If you are a CHA parent, select the No Payment Required option on the order form. Charges for school lunches will be billed via ACH the following month</div>
If you are a non-CHA family please pay lunch charges with your credit card.
Billing Addressrequired
Cardholder Namerequired