Extracurricular instructors will bill families for their classes independently and charges will not appear on your monthly tuition statements.
I agree to pay each instructor on a schedule determined by the instructor. Payments will be collected electronically by the vendor. I also agree to pay Chestnut Hill Academy an annual $100.00 administration fee. This fee will be drafted the month following signing.
1. I understand that if my child is not enrolled in Chestnut Hill Academy’s Extended Day program, I must pick up my child from school immediately following his/her scheduled extracurricular class. I understand that if I do not pick my child up at this time, I will incur the hourly Extended Day rate.
2. I will communicate directly to the instructor if I decide to drop a class or make changes concerning my student’s enrollment in extracurricular activities. If changes are made once an extracurricular session begins, I understand that the instructor may charge the full tuition for that session. Refunds will be given at the discretion of the instructor.
3. I understand that extracurricular instructors reserve the right to:
a. Suspend or dismiss children from extracurricular classes for unmanageable behavior or educational or medical needs for which the instructor does not have the expertise to manage.
b. Discontinue services from extracurricular classes to my family if they feel they are unable to satisfy our expectations.
c. Discontinue services from extracurricular classes to my family if they feel we have shown disrespect/disregard for the extracurricular instructor or other students in the class.
d. Discontinue services from extracurricular classes to my family if payments are not made in a timely manner.
4. I understand classes will be filled on a first come, first served basis. I understand if the desired course is full, my child’s name will be placed on a waiting list, and I will be informed via the instructor when space becomes available.
5. I understand that it is my responsibility to record and take note of the original schedule provided by the instructor. Any scheduling adjustments will be communicated directly by the instructor to parents. If Extended Day utilization occurs as a result of any scheduling changes or miscommunication, I understand that I will be responsible for the Extended Day charges incurred.
6. I understand that all extracurricular programs are conducted by third-party providers and instructors. I acknowledge that Chestnut Hill Academy is not responsible for the instructors, activities, or supervision of my child in connection with these extracurricular programs or providers. On behalf of myself, my family and my minor child, I hereby release and agree to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify Chestnut Hill Academy, its parent company, affiliates, and employees, from any and all claims of injury or damage (including personal injury) resulting there from my child’s participation in an extracurricular program.
7. I have read the CHA Handbook Extended Day Policy.
Please see the schedule for current extracurricular classes below. Detailed curriculum and registration information for extracurricular classes can be found on handouts provided by each instructor. I would like to enroll my child in the extracurricular classes listed below. I understand I will also need to complete registration forms for each instructor, and that filling in this form does not guarantee me a spot.