Illness, Injuries and Medical Conditions
Child Illness
In case of illness, I will be called and possibly required to pick up my child(ren) as soon as possible. We ask that for your child’s comfort and to reduce the risk of contagion, children be picked up within 1.5 hours of notification. Until then, your child will be kept comfortable and will continue to be observed for symptoms. Children need to remain home for 24 hours without symptoms before returning to the program. This means that the child needs to remain out of the school for the remainder of the day he/she is sent home and the following day (if a child is sent home on Friday, he/she may return on Monday), unless the school receives a note from the child’s medical provider stating that the child is not contagious and may return to the school. In the case of a (suspected) contagious disease, rash, or continuing symptoms, a note from the child’s medical provider may be required before returning.
Children’s Injuries
If my child sustains a minor injury (e.g. scraped knee) during care, I understand that I will receive an Incident Report outlining the incident and course of action taken by the staff member when I arrive to pick up. I will be contacted immediately if the injury produces any type of swelling, is on the face or head, or needs medical attention.
Emergency Medical Care
Every effort will be made to contact me in the event of an emergency requiring medical attention for my child. If I cannot be reached, the emergency contacts listed on the previous page will be called. I authorize Bright Horizons to call an ambulance to transport my child to a hospital or medical facility and to secure for my child the necessary medical treatment. Staff is trained in the basics of first aid and CPR and I authorize them to give my child first aid. In a school, any member of the staff responsible for the care and education of my child may view my child’s health information, as well as state licensors for compliance purposes.
Medical Conditions
If your student has a medical condition or illness (other than asthma or allergies) that requires medication we will need you to submit an 'Individual Health Care Plan' and an 'Administration of Medicine' authorization form. Both forms need to be signed by your primary care provider and are required before your child comes to school, along with the medication which must be in date. If your child has allergies or asthma please complete the Asthma and / or Allergy Care Plan. You can download the forms at the bottom of this page